A recent statistic demonstrates the lack of uptake of regular physical activity amongst older adults. Nearly 9 in 10 (87%) of adults aged 65+ do not meet the physical activity guidelines, particularly the muscle strengthening component. In an age group that perhaps needs it most, this lack of activity and physical stimulation is concerning. Older adults are recommended to participate in at least...
Health Tip
Understanding Circadian Rhythm: The Influence of Timing, Light & Temperature on Sleep
Circadian rhythm, often described as the body's 'internal clock', orchestrates a 24-hour cycle synchronised with day and night-time patterns. This intrinsic rhythm governs crucial bodily functions...
How to Improve Healthspan and Longevity Via Zone 2 Aerobic Training
Any conversation around longevity must include the consideration of healthspan. It is a common goal amongst many of our more elderly patients to improve their longevity; the presumption is that they...
3 Reasons Why Adequate Sleep is a MUST to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals
Is it a coincidence that the marked decrease in average sleep duration in the last 50 years has coincided with an increased prevalence of obesity across the globe? It has been known for several...
5 Life Enhancing Benefits of Nasal Breathing
Have you ever stopped to think... am I more of a mouth breather, or a nasal breather? If you are a living, breathing human-being you have developed a habit for one over the other - it's what comes...
Parkinson’s Law: 3 Strategies to Overcome to Achieve Your Wellness Goals
Until recently, I was blissfully unaware of a law termed Parkinson's Law. Then, in the past two months, I have interestingly read about it in two separate books. Have you heard of Parkinson's Law?...
How to Avoid The Negative Effects of Acute Sleep Loss on Physical Performance
Are you one of the estimated 45% of the Western adult population that fails to obtain the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night? The damaging effects of chronic sleep loss are well-documented....
3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Motivation Is Lost
Deciding to make a healthy lifestyle change is a great start - consistently taking action and prioritising the behaviours to achieve these changes is often where people fall short. We often see...
The #1 Workout Mistakes People Make & How to Avoid Them
Perhaps the most important element of our role as Exercise Physiologists is finding the right type of exercise for each individual we see. To get this process right, we need to consider a vast...
The Joint You’ve Likely Never Focused On…But Should!
Welcome to Who Wants to Be A Millionaire – for the million dollar question, Eddie reads out the following… The human body has how many joints? 250 280 320 350 Your answer is ….. ?? The good news for...