3 Essential Skills to Maintain if You’re Aged Older than 65
A recent statistic demonstrates the lack of uptake of regular physical activity amongst older adults. Nearly 9 in 10 (87%) of adults aged 65+ do not meet the physical activity guidelines, particularly the muscle strengthening component. In an age group that perhaps needs it most, this lack of activity and physical stimulation is concerning. Older adults are recommended to participate in at least...
5 Reasons why an Exercise Physiologist should be part of your WorkCover claim
If you've been injured at work, you may be facing a a two-pronged challenge - the physical and mental challenge associated with accepting your injury and focusing on the rehabilitation journey...
The importance of daily balance practice for the elderly
The prevalence of balance deficits increases with age and is associated with an increased incidence of falls seen in the elderly. Unfortunately, these falls are associated with significant morbidity...
2 Effective Exercises to Improve Neck Stiffness and Associated Headaches
If you are prone to neck stiffness, it’s likely that you’re often seeking the exercise equivalent of a ‘magic pill’ – a movement to reduce stiffness, improve range of movement, and provide sweet...
6 Practical Strategies to Make Regular Exercise Stick
The past 12 years of working with patients as an Exercise Physiologists has taught me many things (an exhaustive list would make for some lengthy reading). Perhaps the most important part of the...
The benefits of staying active for older adults
At all life stages, regular exercise is not just beneficial but essential. This does not change as we age. What does change is the way we move, how often we do it and how easily. While change is...
Five reasons why exercise must be part of your Parkinson’s Disease management plan
Neurological conditions are the leading cause of disability world-wide, with the prevalence of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) steadily increasing compared to any other neurodegenerative disorder (1). It...
How an Exercise Physiologist can help your Long-COVID treatment
Here we find ourselves in year three of a pandemic that none of us were expecting. It’s likely at this point that most of us have experienced a (hopefully mild) case of COVID-19. Everyone’s...
Exercise and Scoliosis – How Can An Exercise Physiologist Help?
There are many causes of back pain; from lifting something heavy incorrectly, to an uncomfortable bed to an ongoing condition like, for example, Scoliosis of the spine. If left untreated,...
7 Exercise Myths that Hinder Progress
Exercise can be a hotly contested subject. Much like finding the best foods and nutrition for you as an individual, the perfect exercise routine for one person is unlikely to be the perfect routine...